For each date, the Franklin Variety Index seeks to identify the specific positions known, and also the specific die pair, when possible. These distinctions are important, as some dates have multiple clashes with widely varying degrees of desirability. Also, many of today’s popularly collected clashes are merely different stages of the same die variety, rather than separate and distinct varieties. Often, the Mint tried to remove the clash lines from the dies, creating new stages of the same clashes. Additionally, die wear from continued and excessive use often caused clashing to degrade and fade over time, creating further stages. Some of the late stages are simply degraded, less desirable stages of once-great varieties.
As other numbering systems are inadequate, a coding system has been created exclusively for the FVI Catalog. For each date, the simple to understand FVI code will indicate the clash position using a capital letter; A, B, C, D, E. Those positions are defined below. Then, each known die pair in that position is distinguished with a number; 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. Finally, when advancing die states are both relevant and worthy of recognition in the catalog, they will be further defined with lowercase letters, a, b, c, d, etc., after the number. The prime stage stands alone, while each advanced stage receives a letter. This is a standard notation practice for die variety catalogs, such as the Overton and Browning catalogs for Bust halves and Bust quarters.
For instance, 1949-P was a particularly fascinating and active date, with multiple clashes and die states. They break down is as follows:
1949 FVI Bugs Bunny A – 1
1949 FVI Bugs Bunny A – 2
1949 FVI Bugs Bunny B – 1
1949 FVI Bugs Bunny B – 1a
1949 FVI Bugs Bunny B – 1b
There is only one die pair showing a Bugs Bunny clash in the "A" position for 1949. There are two die varieties with a Bugs Bunny in the B position. Additionally, one B Position die pair goes through significant transformations, creating three important die states that resemble different varieties. You will see!
If this system seems too complicated, you need only compare what you have to the images provided. The corresponding variety number is your attribution.
Bugs Bunny Position A
The classic “Bugs Bunny.” Wing clash is directly across the mouth. Lip is often fully engulfed or distorted. Some dies will show clashing both inside mouth and on the lip. Late stages with die wear or die resurfacing may show only a notch on Franklin’s upper lip, due to the loss of finer details.
Bugs Bunny Position B
Clashing is centered outside the mouth, and will either touch outside of upper lip, or be oriented toward it. The clash does not overlap the lip or go inside the mouth. A faint distortion may occur where line touches lip. These spikes are typically either long and sharp, or L-shaped, depending on the angle that the feathers clashed.
Bugs Bunny Position C
One or more clash lines show inside the mouth and/or at the tip of the lip, as well as coming down from under Franklin’s nose. This is a frequently seen position, especially on D-mint dies, and it requires the coin to show clashing in both areas.
Bugs Bunny Position D
One or more clash lines extend down from the base of Franklin’s nose, or from the corner of lip and nose, but there are no discernible clash lines on lip or in mouth. The upper lip can sometimes be distorted where a clash line emerges from corner, but no other clashing will be seen on lip or mouth.
Bugs Bunny Position E
Die clashing lines, and sometimes lumps, appear ONLY inside Franklin’s mouth, sometimes right on the inside edge of the lip. These often resemble teeth. These are the least frequently encountered of the Bugs Bunny varieties, caused by the wing imprinting extra low and directly over Franklin’s mouth, rather than over the lip and field. Note: Dies are often seen with the mouth polished open in an attempt to removed mouth clashing. Heavy filing lines often remain and one must be careful not to confuse die scratches with clashing.
Bugs Bunny Clashes 1948 - 1952
Bugs Bunny Clashes 1953 - 1955
Bugs Bunny Clashes 1956 - 1959
Bugs Bunny Clashes 1960 - 1963